
Into The Wild | Hampi | India

While traveling in Hampi India at the end of 2019 I created these collage ensembles in response to @intothewildchisenhale artist brief, which was to respond to Jack Halberstam's introduction to The Undercommons by Stefano Harney & Fred Moten.

The Undercommons refer to the potential space of wildness. They write about the desire 'to gesture to another place, a wild place that is not simply the left over space that limns real and regulated zones of polite society; rather, it is a wild place that continuously produces its own unregulated wildness.' They refer to a 'call to dis-order' 'this disorder or wild- ness shows up in many places: in jazz, in improvisation, in noise (...) Listening to cacophony and noise tells us that there is a wild beyond to the structures we inhabit and that inhabit us’.

Plastic Banana-Leaf Plate, series, found objects (leaves, plastic, stone, wood)

Without any conventual art materials, I used my immediate surroundings to create collages that comment on environment, waste and nature verses man-made. I have used a combination of plastic and natural objects. In particular plastic objects that mimic natural ones, like the plastic banana-leaf plate. Traditionally used in India to serve food on. This plastic banana-leaf plate highlights how natural methods in India are being replaced by manmade ones, with often devastating effects on the planet.  




Crossing Borders